Book Signing ‘Remembering’

Book signing Damian Clarke
  Author Damien Clarke Book Signing 'Remembering' Signed copies of 'Remembering' World War one and the Communities of Ahoghill, Cullybackey, Grange, Hillstown, Cloney, Gracehill, Galgorm, Tullygarley and Portglenone. The author Damien Clarke will be giving personalised signed copies for any purchases of the book. Author Damien Clarke signs local history book 'Remembering'. This project began with speaking to people in the Bannside areas who had relative connected to World War 1. All the in...
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Remembering – History Book

History Book Remembering WW1
'Remembering' World War One and the communities of Ahoghill, Cullybackey, Grange, Hillstown, Cloney, Gracehill, Galgorm, Tullygarley and Portglenone. This publication is the outcome of a Bann Maine West History Project to harness the widespread interest engendered by the centenary of the First World War, set out to record the major events of the 1914-1918 period as they impacted the essentially rural communities of its catchment area. Rather than compile a list of those who served, or died...
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Lunch & Learn

Our Lunch and Learn Project has grown over the years to become an important part of our older people's group, for them to meet up, have a wide variety of facilitators and have a hot lunch. Many friendships have developed and grown. Programme for Lunch and Learn 2022
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